Robots: Coming Sooner Than You May Think


The photo posted above is of this neat robot dubbed Spot which was created by Boston Dynamics. If you’ve never heard of Boston Dynamics don’t feel bad because I never have either, but they are most definitely going to be one of the biggest names when it comes to household robots in the future. Just take a look at how awesome these robots look in this video.

If you didn’t watch the video the whole way through you need to go back and watch it up to the point where the Spot slips on the banana peel, its absolutely hilarious. The crazy thing is that this company was once owned by Google. It is absolutely unbelievable that Google would even think of letting a company this far into the robotics market go. Just imagine having one of these things in your home.

How do you feel about having a robot in your home in the future? Please share in the comments.


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