One step forward, one step back

Yesterday NPHW had a violence prevention theme, so by way of catching up, first things first: The Hotline

There are too many forms of violence. CDC addresses different dimensions of violence and prevention: child abuse and neglect; elder abuse; intimate partner violence; sexual violence; youth violence; and suicide. Given that more than half of violent deaths involve a firearm and that only 15% of those who use a gun in a suicide attempt survive, one might expect that gun violence would be given its due. Firearms are mentioned in various CDC reports, but you’ve got to dig to find it. And, after digging, it’s obvious that serious harm reduction approaches to gun death are avoided more stringently than our current plague. Thus, the important role of advocacy to change policy.

And, since I linked back to the US National Library of Medicine’s exhibit in my previous posts, why not again? Confronting Violence simultaneously gave me hope and a deflated déjà vu. How about you?

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