I grow this for my cat

Welcome back to my blog. Today, I want to discuss good plants to grow for your cat. I have blogged about houseplants that are safe for your cat, but this post will be different because the plants I will discuss have uses to your cat! I hope you continue reading.

Catnip is something everyone has heard of and most cats love it. A fun fact about catnip is that it affects about 80% of cats and the effects only last for around ten minutes. It is also very easy to grow. Be sure to place your catnip in full sun and water when the top of the soil feels dry. Catnip is a houseplant that would like being put outside for the warmer months of the year. It is recommended that you harvest a catnip plant regularly to keep it healthy. Cats can have the herb fresh or dried.

Another great plant to keep around if you have cats or even dogs is cat grass. Cat grass is simply a mix of cereal grains including barley, oat, wheat, and rye. Cat grass serves as a digestive aid for cats. It is high in fiber. If you wish you can consume cat grass too! To care for your plant, place it in direct light and water when the top of the soil is dry. Be sure to trim the grass regularly like your lawn.

Valerian is another plant that is good to grow inside for your cats. Often cats will prefer valerian over catnip! It is a tall plant with tiny bunches of sweet white or pink flowers. It has calming effects and is a very easy plant to grow. They are not picky about the amount of sunlight they get and can thrive in full to partial sun. The valerian however does like to be kept moist. If you forget to water your plants sometimes, I recommend keeping this one in partial shade to allow for more error in watering. For a happy plant, harvest the flowers?

Have you ever grown any of these plants for your cats? Has it helped reduce the amount that they bother your other plants? Is your cat affected by catnip?

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