Welcome back to all the plant parents. Today I will be talking about flowering houseplants. If you like having flowers in your home, but do not like to constantly keep buying cut ones, keep reading. A lot of houseplants flower, but the ones I will discuss keep their flowers year round or flower frequently.

African violets are one of the most popular flowering houseplants. You can get African violets that are blue, lavender, pink, red, and white. With the right care you will get the best flowers possible from your plant. African violets like bright indirect light, but can survive in less light. If they get too much light their leaves will turn yellowish. To water your plant, make sure you use room temperature or lukewarm water and make sure not to splash the leaves. The leaves are sensitive to foliar spots caused by water. You should water when the soil feels noticeably less moist but not dry. 

Next, with a beautiful white flower is the peace lily. Peace lilies are considered easy to care for. They have white flowers that turn to pale green as they age. The foliage of the plant is dark green. To care for this houseplant, place it in medium to low light. Water when the soil is dry. Peace lilies are drought tolerant so they do better if they are underwatered rather than overwatered. It is recommended that your wipe your peace lilies leaves when you notice dust on them. This will make it easier for the plant to grab the sunlight.

Lastly, we have the orchid. There are over 22,000 species of orchids. This is a lot of different flowers that you can grow! Orchids grow naturally in the air attached to other plants, on rocks, or on the jungle floor. Orchids like to have bright indirect sunlight. You should water your orchid when it feels a little dry. They are a houseplant that needs a lot of water. Orchids also like humidity. A good way to do this inside is to place a humidifier near your orchid. Fertilizer is especially important for this houseplant. It is recommended you use a fertilizer specific to orchids. 

Do you have a favorite houseplant that flowers? Are there any tricks you have found that make your flowers top notch?

P.S. phipps conservatory and botanical garden has an awesome orchid room!

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