
Welcome back to my blog! Today, I will be talking about propagation from cuttings. I find this to be one of the most fun things to do as a plant parent. It is always fun to see your new baby grow into a healthy plant. This is a great thing to do if your plant is getting too big or if you’d like to share your plant with a friend.

You can either propagate in water or soil. Houseplants that propagate best include pothos, snake plant, spider plant, zz plant, Chinese money plant, and string of pearls/hearts/bananas/dolphins. It is usual recommended that you use soil to propagate.

To propagate in water, you will first start out with a cutting. You’ll have to cut your plant with a sharp clean knife or pair of scissors a little before the node. You should then remove any leaves close to the node. Then, put your cutting in a glass filled with water (tap will do) and place it in indirect light. Be sure not to put it in too much or too little light. Now you wait! Change and add new water as needed. In a few weeks you will see roots.

To propagate in soil, you will also start out with a cutting. You will obtain a cutting the same way as with water propagation. Once you have your cutting you can add it to a pot with soil. You will want to make a small indentation in the soil for the plant to sit in and tamp down the dirt around the cutting. Now all you have to do is water thoroughly and wait for new roots to grow!

Remember it might take a few tries to be successful at propagation but don’t give up! What is the most successful propagation that you have had? Do you prefer to propagate in water or soil?

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