I thrive in low-light!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back. Today, I will be writing about some good low-light houseplants. If you’re like me, you want to put a plant in every possible room in your house. However, not all plant do well in the rooms you have with less light.

The first low-light plant that I would like to show the spotlight to is one of my favorites: the snake plant. The snake plant is a great plant for those who have a hard time caring for plants. It is said that you have to try to kill a snake plant. They are very low maintenance. Snake plants prefer partial shade, but they can also survive in full shade.

Another great shade plant is the ZZ plant. They prefer partial to full shade. Like the snake plant it is also very low maintenance. ZZ plants are known to survive in rooms with no windows. However it is recommended that you provide some source of light for them.

If you have an area with low light, but you would like a plant with a pop of color, the polka dot plant could be the perfect plant for you. Polka dot plants are pink, purple, red, or white with green dots. If the plant were to receive too much light its colors would actually dull. It prefers partial shade.

If you are set on having a plant that requires a lot of light but you want it in a space that does not get a lot of sunlight, I recommend a grow light! I will discuss the use of grow lights later!

Have you ever owned any of these low-light plants? How much light did they receive? P.S. a lot of these plants are good picks for offices too.

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