A ride I’m excited to go through !

The future is geared towards making advances based on newly emerging technologies. So I’ll be brave enough to say, though I don’t necessary know how would that be achieved yet, anything dealing with digitalization is so promising ! I’m not really sure how good I’ll be in this field, and how will I transform my ideas into tangible digital in-born material in such a short time, but I know for a fact that it’ll open up a door of possibilities WIDE OPEN. Technology is taking over almost all old means, and therefore neglecting it in educational spheres would be a great shame! Whenever I think about digitalization, technology, and also media, I see it as the new literacy. In an age where the pen was the only means for spreading knowledge, literacy was judged according to whether or not the person knows how to read and write. Now, in a digitally oriented world, literacy is measured by one’s mastery of technological usages.

Old books and old means of education are not, in anyways, attacked. All I’m trying to say is that, one should use whatever there is to create the best educational experience for the students, even if that experience demanded curation and editing of materials, and a holistic transformation of one’s role in the classroom.

Throughout and after this course, I really hope I can develop the skills needed to create a platform where I am no longer a traditional teacher, but a material designer,  director, guide, monitor and progress evaluator.

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