Why haven’t we heard of them?

Music is everywhere. From the different genres like pop to indie, you really have a lot to choose from.

I, myself, could listen to music 24/7 365 and would not complain about it one bit. What I have come to notice though, is the fact that I tend to find and listen to artist that people never even heard of or artists that people have only heard one song. This got me to thinking. Why are there so many underrated artists and why haven’t we heard of them?

There are so many artist that want to be discovered and have that chance of being big like Travis Scott and Bruno Mars.

As the weeks go on, I will talk about a different musical artist that I think deserves to have more people listen to their music and artists that I think are truly underrated.

Good music just doesn’t stop at the radio or on a top 100 list. If you search for it and just be open to other genres and artists, you will start to wonder why these people haven’t made it big or why they haven’t been heard.

The goal, is to open your mind and explore what else is out there.

Some come on this beautiful journey with me.

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