
Communications Media Samples


These are all my pictures taken over the semesters.









I made a short video I made by myself, edited it, and followed a script to make it come together.


Hello all, This is what I have done in Spring 2021 with Dr. Lenze. The Project was Based on the Story related to The Fox and The Grapes by Aesop Fables. Here is the Link to the Youtube Video of the Final take on my group’s Project on The Fox and The Grapes recreated by Group 8.

Comm 315, This Fall 2022 I have done some Essay Papers. Here are some of the links you can copy and past to go to.

News Release Essay


East Asian Night


Comm 375, I have done Group Projects for this class this fall.


Social Media Campaign Group 7



Script Template



American Crime Story Project Group 7


American Crime Story Group 7




Asian Studies Video Samples

Also, in my Spring 2022 course for Asia 200. I have done another movie project, but I made it of the Chinese Film called Animal World. Here is the Link…