
League of Legends – Illaoi

01/08/2021 - Posts

Illaoi is another fun champion to learn and play.  Normally played in the top lane, she can deal massive damage to single and multiple targets.  Playing Illaoi comes with a few challenges.  How do I avoid getting kited?  Where should I place my tentacles?  How should I use my E and ultimate?


Like most champions in league, missing your abilities can leave you frustrated and looking like an idiot.  Initially, I constantly struggled with hitting Illaoi’s E.  Without landing test of spirit (E), she normally does not have enough damage to finish a champion.  I would also ult as soon as I pulled a champions soul, making less use of it.  I would not continually put down tentacles and caught myself wasting the cooldown.


Some people suggest practicing E pulls on bots or continue playing normal matches.  Tentacles can be continually placed by hitting E or walking to a wall when Illaoi’s passive is ready.  The ultimate should always be used when a soul is pulled with multiple enemy champions.  Using an ultimate on a clone could also be beneficial.  Getting kited is a huge problem with Illaoi.  Landing E can help mitigate this problem.










The best option to mitigate kiting is landing your E.  If the clone is killed or target runs out of range, they will be slowed and spawn tentacles, making it easier to close the gap or run.  Some items may offer alternative routes instead of “get good”.  Tentacles should be placed so multiple can hit a single target.  This is difficult to do as tentacles require space between each other.  The best way to do this is fight between tentacles.  Set up a square of tentacles (perfect set up) and fight in that area.  The ultimate can be used on multiple, single, and even cloned targets.  Multiple targets can offer massive damage to an enemy team.  Single targets can ensure a momentary tentacle spawn in a 1v1.  Clone then ultimate can ensure quick death of a clone and increase the slam speed of spawned tentacles.  This is used for low health targets that are out of range after the clone is pulled.  As I always say continued play is the best way to learn.


If you are interested in Illaoi’s mechanics and interactions comment below.  If you want a specific champion examined let me know!


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