
League of Legends – Cassiopeia

01/06/2021 - Posts

Cassiopeia is considered a challenging champion to play on League’s website.  Not being able to buy boots (increases character move speed) and that most of her abilities require you land them to do damage.  Missing abilities is normally detrimental to most champions, but Cassiopeia loses a ton of damage on her twin fang.  How do I ensure I land more abilities?  What are Cassiopeia’s abilities?  Where does Cassiopeia fit into league?


I have played Cassiopeia many times and found myself looking like a fool while attempting to land abilities.  Not only was I finding playing her hard, but I was also unaware of the proper rotation of abilities.  What would maximize my damage output?  Squishy mages have a hard time fitting into new seasons due to the increasing damage being implemented into League.  As we continue to get a feel for the new season, I think we will find a steady meta that may include Cassiopeia.


Itemization is a huge part in league.  If you do not build the necessary items for what kind of character you want, they become useless.  The purchase of Rylai’s crystal scepter will slow down enemy champions to ensure successful ability hits.  Cassiopeia is a mid-lane mage that can have burst and sustained damage.  She is good at killing tanks and squishes alike.  Cassiopeia inflicts poison on targets and casts twin fangs for increased damage.










Rylai’s could be a solid option later in the game as you build gold.  The optimal way of becoming better with Cassiopeia is continued play (like every champion) and in game knowledge.  Is your counterpart going for a cannon minion?  It is moments like these you can land “free” abilities that require knowledge rather than pure skill.  Cassiopeia is still trying to find a spot in the meta and has settled at a 48% win rate in platinum plus.


If you are interested in limited Cassiopeia mechanics and interactions comment below.  If you want a specific champion examined let me know!


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