
League of Legends – Pyke

01/05/2021 - Posts

Most players tend to skip picks and bans if they are auto filled.  Pyke is a great champion to use if you have been auto filled support.  Many people may have questions about Pyke and his mechanics.  Should I always fish for hooks?  Should I always go in if I land a hook?  Should I ultimate to engage or just for resets?


Pyke came naturally to me.  Some character resonates with my play style better than others.  I still learn new mechanics even with champions I have played for a while.  I noticed myself not pulling the right targets or taking a bad fight.  Waiting to ult for a reset is not always in your team’s best interest.











Like most champions, continued play is something everyone will recommend.  The more experience you have with different compositions, the more likely you are to succeed in your next match.  Most players will tell you to always wait for a reset on your ult.  This shares gold with allies and give a momentary reset on Pyke’s ultimate.  Whether you are supposed to engage or not also comes with experience.


Searching to pull targets out of position is something Pyke is constantly looking to do.  Do not always engage if you land a hook, as your engage tool is essentially your disengage tool.  Only take fights that appear to be beneficial to your team.  As a support you are just that, a setup man for your team’s success.  If you can land a massive team stun with E and R, that may be a better option then waiting for resets.  This can also be done after a reset.


If you are interested in Pyke’s mechanics and interactions comment below.  If you want a specific champion examined let me know!


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