
League of Legends – Shaco

01/04/2021 - Posts

Shaco is another one of my favorite champions to play.  Being one of the squishiest champions, Shaco can be a challenge to play.  Some players may have questions when to stealth in for a gank?  Where do I place my boxes?  How can I utilize Shaco’s ultimate?


Like most champions, when I started with Shaco, I was clueless on how to properly play.  I would stealth in for ganks and go too early or not time it with my laner.  Box placement is important when ganking as Shaco.  The box takes about 1.5 seconds to activate its fear.  I would waste my box and get nothing from it.  I have also used the ultimate and had no one affected by it.  All extremely frustrating things to happen as Shaco.









When to use stealth is tricky.  Most Shaco players will take ignite instead of flash due to stealth and flash being a part of Shacos abilities.  Wait for the enemy laners to use vital abilities (like dashes) before engaging.  This time frame may make the summoner use flash for a simple mistake.  Boxes could always be placed behind the target.  This makes that champion either recurve a fear or run into enemy champions.  Both are positive outcomes for your team.  Shaco’s ultimate can be used as a solid engage tool.  Shaco’s clone has a limited distance he can travel from the real shaco.  This clone can explode, fear, and do a ton of damage to the enemy team.


Well timed stealth activation will come with more experience and knowledge of other champions.  Box placement will also get better with more experience as you can predict some players reactions that will land a solid trap.  The most underutilized aspect of Shaco’s ultimate is the rubber band effect it has.  You can stealth and rubber band your clone into the enemy team.  This makes players think this is the real Shaco.  Most of my best plays have come from doing this simple trick.  It continues to make the enemy team guessing.



This is a brief overview of Shaco and if you want to further explore his mechanics please let me know!



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