
League of Legends – Lee Sin

01/03/2021 - Posts

One of the flashiest and most satisfying champions to play is Lee Sin.  With some champions, more practice and knowledge of interactions are required.  When I first played Lee Sin, and most other champions, I had no idea what I was doing.  When to engage, how to engage, what role Lee Sin plays in a composition are all questions new players need answered.


Being able to dive all over the map is fun.  But I found myself wasting time by essentially not playing Lee Sin correctly.  This includes missing my sonic wave, kicking without a plan (towards team or into other enemy champions), and not knowing the matchups.  These mistakes can be mitigated by following some rules.


R – ultimate – DRAGON’S RAGE








Lee Sin can fly in and reposition enemy characters almost before they can react (with flash).  This enables Lee to target the squishes and displace them towards his teammates.  If a tank continues to dive your back line, kicking that tank into his own team may be a better option.  Lee is the setup man, who can engage almost whenever he wants, if the team is present.


Whenever players attempt to dodge your resonating strike, they tend to dodge in a zig-zag pattern and allow you to close the distance.  Not only does this up the chance of a successful resonating strike, but it may also give you a kill without having to use it.  Go into the practice tool and give the unique interactions a try.  Start with ward hops and kick flashes, then move on to more advanced techniques.  Knowing lee Sins matchups and interactions is best learned from playing the game.  Creativity and options are what Lee Sin offers.


This is a brief overview of Lee Sin and if you want to further explore his mechanics please let me know!


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