
League of Legends – Jungle

01/02/2021 - Posts

The “meta” within League changes with every new champion, rework, and update.  I primarily focus and play the jungle role in League.  Starting in any lane can be challenging.  What camps do I clear first?  What lane should I go to first?  Which jungle item is better to start with?


When it comes to the jungle or any lane, each champion can play a different style within those roles.  I did not know what champion made a good jungler.  Area of effect damage, fast camp clearing, and damage/stuns are all coveted aspects of a jungler.  Most champions do not have all the perfect attributes.  Each question above can be determined by your counterpart, team compositions, and playstyle/champion.

Starting on the bottom half of the map, red buff to blue buff to Gromp is a standard and fast level 3 clear.  The fast clear enables early ganks.  If you start on the top side just switches blue buff for red buff.  Some champions may prefer a full clear, as their ganks may not be adequate before level 6 (attain that champions ultimate ability).  Full clearing may allow the enemy champion to apply pressure to your teammates and most games are decided early this season.  Most junglers start with the blue jungle item as it slows and does true damage.  Red jungle item reduces damage taken from a champion and applies a true damage bleed.  In this current meta, quick damage is better than sustain fighting.


Clears are different for different champions.  Take the champion Shaco.  Shaco can clear multiple camps while taking minimal damage.  This can generate a lot of early gold and experience, while being able to apply pressure to the enemy team.  If you clear from the top jungle to bottom, the lanes available to help are mid and bottom.  If you start from bottom to top, the lanes to help are mid and top.  Some champion compositions are harder to help than others.  Playing and experience will teach you what you can and cannot do with compositions.  Blue smite has been more effective this season purely based off the damage the new items have brought (I am also still learning the new items).  The damage reduction and slow bleed are normally not enough to combat the extreme burst present in this season.


This is a brief overview of the jungle and if you want to further explore match-ups let me know!



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