
Escape From Tarkov – Traders

12/30/2020 - Posts

Another problem a newcomer may have in Tarkov is understanding how to level and utilize traders.  The developers at Battlestate (makers of Tarkov) know how to grab players attention by not holding their hand.  This makes Tarkov exciting whenever encounters or areas of a map are discovered.  This also can make a lot of people frustrated not knowing how to progress the traders.


When I first started, I did not know traders have levels 1-4.  The more levels a trader has, the more equipment they offer.  The pain of buying every piece of inflated gear from other players can make the game more complicated.  To level the traders, we need a few requirements.  Overall player level, trader reputation, and money spent need to be satisfied.



Doing the trader’s “tasks” is a must, this is the only way to gain reputation with them.  Each individual trader has their own tasks and reputation points.  Many players complete Prapor and Therapist before any other trader (normally the easiest).  Some players may vendor junk and equipment early on to satisfy money spent.  Leveling is done by completing tasks and doing raids.


Do not vendor everything to the traders.  Some items like GPUs and water filters sell for way more on the flea market.  Some items become more expensive as the wipe continues due to the equal progression of everyone’s hideout.  Do as many tasks as possible!  These tasks increase reputation, experience (a ton), and give good items as rewards.  Jaegar is a little trickier when it comes to reputation and quests.  Doing quests for other traders may subtract from Jaegar’s reputation (tells you in the tasks).  Jaegar also has the more challenging tasks and should be done after level 2 with Prapor and Therapist.  The more tasks done also reveal other tasks.  The further into the task line you go, the greater the rewards.  I recommend using YouTube for tasks that have you look for an object.  Battlestate loves putting quest items in hard to reach/see locations.


This is a very generalized guide as each trader has unique tasks and offers unique gear.  Did you have any trouble your first time with traders?  Was it initially confusing?  If you have a better leveling approach to the traders or more information, please comment on the post.


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