
Cyberpunk 2077 weapon classes

12/22/2020 - Posts

Cyberpunk 2077 offers a wide range of ways to engage in combat. Today, I want to go over the different weapons.


There are 4 main types of combat weapons. Ranged weapons, Melee weapons, grenades, and cybernetic. Ranged weapons consist of 9 subcategories. Sniper rifles (my prefer style of play) that allow for extreme range end even penetration through objects. Precision rifles offer sustained damage and control. Missing a few shots is not as serious, like the sniper rifles. Light machine guns have large capacity but tend to be less accurate. Heavy machine guns can only be taken from turrets or certain characters. To even wield the massive weapons, you must have met the body required value. While heavy machine guns are fun, they lack precision as well. Assault rifles are medium range rifles that offer a variety depending on what rifle you have. Some offer burst, smart weapon (tracking bullets with the appropriate cybernetics), and the standard full auto. Submachine guns offer close range firepower at the expense of range. It is also important to note that submachine guns, assault rifles, and precision rifles all share the same type of ammo. Pistols offer diverse options between power, precision, and firing modes. Revolvers or “hand cannons” are fun to use and promote power/precision. As expected, shotgun type weapons are extremely powerful at close range. Each gun can have different effects from different types of damage (shock, burn, corrosive), different damage states, and increased critical chance/multiplier. As you can see, I cycle between a precision rifle, sniper rifle, and a shotgun.

I do not utilize the melee weapon category but there are knives, katanas, long blades, hammers, and one-handed clubs. Cybernetic upgrades also allow the use of some interesting melee and ranged options. I could see how using these weapons and utilizing cybernetic upgrades would make for action packed gameplay.


The grenades are diverse. From left to right, we have laser, explosive homing, incendiary, shock, non-homing explosive, bio, recon, and flashbang. I would say this is a little more diverse than most games.


Join me next time as we look at equipment, clothing, and modding!

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