Cyberpunk 2077 attribute subtrees basics
As promised in the previous post, I wanted to further explore the leveling system. Completely covering all trees in detail would take too long, so, I am here to give you the spark notes version. I will split the trees into two categories, early and late game progression.
Body is an attribute that encompasses athletics, annihilation, and street brawler. Like every subtree, athletics has a variety of skills to choose from. Early level athletics mainly focuses on weight carrying capacity, overall health, and stamina. End game leveling of athletics includes increased resistances, immunity to enemy knockdowns, and attacking while carrying.

Early Annihilation increases the effectiveness of shotguns and light machine guns. Late game annihilation further increases machine gun and shotgun efficiency but also adds unique attributes like more damage based off your characters’ movement speed. A run and gun type of tree!

Street Brawler is hand to hand and blunt weapon combat. Early levels increase damage/efficiency with both types of weapons. Later levels further increase efficiency and utility of blunt weapons. A simple and brute style of gameplay.

Reflexes has Assault, Handguns, and blades subtrees. Like body, reflexes is a major combat tree.
Early assault improves the damage of rifles and sub machine guns. Later levels improve recoil, damage, and adds utility. For those who prefer to snipe!

Early handguns increase damage and reduces recoil. Later levels add damage and utilities like a dodge while using handguns.

Early blades increase damage, speed, and reduce stamina on blade strikes. Late levels increase counter damage significantly and critical damage.

The attributes and subtrees are extremly in depth and allow for a variety of play styles. Given i spewed enough information for 2 posts, Join me again tomorrow for more information on intelligence, cool, and techinical abiliity subtrees!