May 18

Phenomenal cosmic powers! (Not so)Itty bitty living space!

The 1992 hit Aladdin  was a movie that demonstrated that the world is no longer limited by physical space. Within the lamp, the genie was able to know the world, and in a not so directly connected way Digital Humanities Promises also offers the knowledge of the world, cooperatively working, in a tiny space. Digital Humanities also promises me the world and I plan to collect on it. The information contained in Digital Space is expanding at an ever quickening nauseating pace, but it also allows for greater interaction and cooperation between scholars and readers that has never existed before. This cooperation will dynamically shrink the space between people throughout the world and cause it to widen with the depth and breadth of countless new voices and ideas.

Posted May 18, 2015 by Mr. Peter Anthony Faziani in category ENGL757857-Su2015

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