Final Project – Reggie Watts

Published on: Author: Benjamin Fisher 3 Comments

We worked with transcripts a bit earlier in the semester, when we discussed Cecilia Vicuna and David Antin, and I was interested in doing some transcription work of my own.  I wanted to work with a favorite artist of mine, Reggie Watts.  Watts is a comedic performance artist, who mainly does improvised live shows, during which he combines music, speech, and sometimes dance.  This performance is from a PopTech Conference in Camden, Maine in 2011.  PopTech is sort of like a Ted Talk, where experts are invited to give informative speeches.  Watts was invited to be the entertainment, and much of what he does is a parody of these kinds of public speakers.  It is hilarious to watch.  I also did a critical analysis (not published online) where I compared and contrasted Watts’ work with other postmodern artists we’ve studied.  You can read my transcript here if you’d like: WattsTrans

3 Responses to Final Project – Reggie Watts Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. I’m interested too in the transcription process. Antin and others (namely Dennis Tedlock)_ in the 1970s and 1980s did a lot of work on how to do transcriptionso. You can see that reflected in the Vicuna book (where the transcriber, Rosa Alcala, is influenced by DT et al) . But from a Goldmsith perspective, the transcribing is itself interesting as a process, as your site of engagement with the text. Your commentary tells how you did it. But how does engaging with a text in this way (a little like translation) change your appreciation and reading of the source?

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