Charles Bernstein’s “Against National Poetry Month”

Published on: Author: Benjamin Fisher Leave a comment

I love this guy, because he seems like a curmudgeon. I especially love “Against National Poetry Month as Such.” I agree that National Poetry Month seems like just a way for companies to advertise. He writes, “The Academy has taken out a series of newspapers ads that mention no poets and no poems but rather announce the existence of National Poetry Month with a prominent listing of its backers, who appear, in the end, to be sponsoring themselves.” Also, “The path taken by the Academy’s National Poetry Month . . . have been misguided because these organizations have decided to promote not poetry but the idea of poetry, and the idea of poetry too often has meant almost no poetry at all.” I can’t help but to be on his side (or, in his own words, “actually I can but I prefer not to). I followed his link to the Academy of American Poets website and I was conflicted. They seem to be interested in getting more poetry into school curriculum, which is good; but they also are trying to sell you a liqueur flask, for some reason, with a stanza of poetry printed on it, which is not so great.



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