Thoughts on Mark Amerika and Remixthebook

Published on: Author: Benjamin Fisher Leave a comment

Like most of the other bloggers this week, my first reaction to Mark Amerika’s work was confusion. I think I am starting to get the idea, though, after viewing the remixes. Actually seeing and hearing the products, instead of reading Mark Amerika’s own ideas about it helped, although I found some of the remixes themselves to be a bit juvenile. Some of the videos seemed to be more interested in making a “trippy” looking product than a sophisticated artistic work. I wondered if this was just a thing for stoners to watch, which I thought was corroborated by Curt Cloningers’s piece (page 14 of his ebook shows a picture of what I think is some marijuana in a spice grinder). But, then I read about how he came to find that picture, by entering the phrase that he was playing with into Google images, and that was the first image that came up. Cloninger’s piece actually reminds me of Mohammad’s work that we read, where he plugged stuff into Google and other online programs to create a unique piece.

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