Hermione Granger and the Charge of Sexism

Many people claim that the Harry Potter books are very sexist, mainly due to the fact that the story is about a boy who has to defeat an evil man and is guided by an elderly wise professor who is also male. Sarah Zettel wrote the essay “Hermione Granger and the Charge of Sexism”, an essay that responds to the fact that though the books do focus on male characters mainly. However, Hermione Granger and a few other of the female characters are very prominent and important factors in the book that prove that the books are not sexist nor are they feminist texts.

In her essay, Zettel writes about three different essays that make similar claims against the Harry Potter series. The three essays in question claim that the boks all make it seem that the
females in the book are less appealing than the male characters, that they are less likeable, and that Hermione Granger specifically is weaker, is not as self-possessed and much less adventurous than her male friends. However, Hermione Granger is often known referred to as one of the smartest students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Zettel proposes “All three essays also share a primary weakness: They make their charges with no consideration to larger context (Page 2).” Hermione may not be athletically inclined, but she is exceedingly smart and extremely brave. At only eleven years old she chooses to go with Harry and fight evil with him, at twelve she brews an illegal and difficult potion in order to turn into another person, at thirteen she helps a convicted felon escape, and the list goes on. She continues to prove that she is extremely smart and that Harry Potter would never have been able complete his mission of defeating the dark lord without Hermione.

Another observation that Zettel makes is: “It is Schoefer, however, who makes the clearest misinterpretation by removing quotes from context. In her essay, she makes great objection to the assessment of Ginny in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Page 3).” The essays that Zettel is reviewing are obviously very biased against the Harry Potter books but cannot back up their accusations with any proof from the books. They refuse to look at the books and take much of the information out of context.

Finally, Zettel claims: “It’s not that Hermione doesn’t care what Ron and Harry think of her, it’s that she doesn’t let their opinions get in the way of doing what she knows to be right (page 13).” Hermione Granger is a feminist and the Harry Potter series are not sexist. Despite the books having a strong male presence, they do a good job of showing the female characters as strong individuals who know they are valuable. Despite the fact that the female characters are not the main characters, they are influential, smart and strong women who make sure that the books are not sexist.

One comment to Hermione Granger and the Charge of Sexism

  1. Arica says:

    Sorry for the late comment, I had some technical problems.
    I love this journal, it was very well written and I agree that just because there are a lot of instances where female characters can hold their own in the Harry POtter series, doesn’t mean they are any less likeable than the male characters, if anything it made me LOVE the female characters even more knowing that they weren’t afraid to handle themselves.

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