Remix Idea Arica Zentner

My remix idea is to do a Hogwarts Yearbook with superlative pages. I plan on creating something resembling a book probably a poster board and decorating it like a yearbook and then I will read a few of them out loud or maybe turn it into a game and just read the “most likely to..” statement and have the class guess who it belongs to. I think it is a fun, creative (and possibly comical) way to label a character and what they are like. For instance, I used the example of “Most likely to have their father hear about this” for Draco Malfoy and while that isn’t his main characteristic or his true “claim to fame” in the book, it comes up in a lot of the dialogue he has between Harry and it is a mannerism that separates him from other characters. I plan to use the main characters such as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna and so on but I also want to touch on villains and lesser background characters that may have been mentioned or featured in the books or films.

2 comments to Remix Idea Arica Zentner

  1. Magdalena says:

    I think this is a really creative idea! The visual aspect will be so cool once it’s finished. And it will be so fun to play the guessing game with the class. Can I steal this idea? My only question is since it’s a yearbook, how are you going to include older characters, like Voldemort, who weren’t in school at the same time as the main characters?

  2. Emily Shook says:

    I really like your idea! I think that it will be super fun and interesting to see what you come up with. How many characters do you plan on doing? Just the main characters? Just a handful? Or are you doing like basically every character who are more minor and main, for example, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Seamus, Dean, Cho, Padma, etc.?

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