Reading Journal 1-Victoria

In Harry Potter and History, Were the Malfoys Aristocrats: The Decline and Fall of the Pureblooded, Laura Loiacono and Grace Loiacono talked a lot about the social class. Both the Muggle world and Wizarding world have a social class standing. Laura and Grace were able to compare the two throughout the chapter, and mentioned how each social class differed as well. Each type of family within the same social class lived a different lifestyle. The Muggles kept within their social class, and sometimes would marry out of their social class. However, in the wizarding world there was another level of keeping to their social class. They had to maintain their status by if they were going to marry a pureblood, half-blood, or a Muggle born. For example, the Malfoy’s had to maintain their class and only marry purebloods. Laura and Grace stated that “neither magical nor Smuggle elite families would tolerate marriages to just anyone who a young family member fell in love with” (178). Their families had to maintain this high level and would not allow a non-pureblood to be married in. However a paragraph down in the book says, “The marriage of James Potter and Lily Evan must have created a stir in families such as the Malfoys and the Blacks, because Lily was Smuggle-born” (178). James and Lily were in a different social class than the Malfoy’s; therefore the mixed marriage was tolerated, but created talk in a higher class. The higher class in the Wizarding world had a few more things to keep in mind than the Muggle world when keeping to their social class.

Even though the Wizarding world did not follow the aristocracy, but they can be listed and defined by books. On page 175 in Harry Potter and History it says, “they have their own version of Debrett’s”. It is titled Nature’s Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy and it lists all the purebloods. Which that then creates another line between social classes. Which that then creates the line for purebloods, half bloods, and Smuggle born. The difference between the Muggle world and Wizarding world is very small. The only thing that keeps it separated is that the Wizarding world has to manage purebloods, half bloods, and Muggle born. However, there are many of wizards who believe that all Wizards in their world are equal. In the book and in Harry Potter and History Albus Dumbledore, The Wesley’s, The Tank’s, and James and Lily Potter are just a few to be named. They are the reason to why the line between social classes keeps getting pushed further and further. Laura and Grace said “After the First Warding War, the pureblood aristocracy was somewhat diminished but still very much present during Harry’s childhood” (189). Which means after the Battle of Hogwarts in the seventh book, the pureblood aristocracy may have been more diminished than before. Which that then creates another divides in the social classes and then will make at the Wizards equal. In the Muggle world as each day passes more divides are being drawn in between the social classes with social class climbers. And that will create a new way to look at the social class in the Muggle world and Wizarding world.

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