Journal 12-Victoria

The article Harry Potter as a Context or Interdisciplinary Studies written by Tisha Beaton has many intelligent concepts to incorporate Harry Potter in the daily studies and lessons children learn in school. The Harry Potter books not only are a good series for children to read, but they have valuable lessons that incorporated into a lesson plan will help with understanding the content. Beaton stated, “Rowling has built many life lessons into the story of Harry’s first year at Hogwarts School” (103). That has already set up many of lesson plans for Math, Science, Language Arts, and other subjects to work with.

In today’s generation, it is starting to become more difficult to keep student’s interest in their studies. They often find it “dumb” or “useless” for their education because it is not incorporating their generations interest. Harry Potter is an interest that majority of students like to read or watch on their free time and they find it fun and interesting. If schools started to incorporate popular literature into lessons students would pay more attention to their studies.

This article has examples and it has been proven successful. To summarize Beaton’s examples students were engaged in their group work and were willing to work hard in class. Because of this, student could apply this knowledge in new contexts (Beaton 100).

Incorporating Harry Potter into teaching would benefit Language Arts and English greatly. Allowing teachers to teach a topic that all students might find interesting will keep their focus on a subject that many students find difficult. Not many students like to read the required books and some do not read them at all. Speaking from past experiences those students miss out on grades and life lessons. Harry Potter has many of life lessons and stories for students to learn from. Actively teaching Harry Potter and allowing students to write about it will improve students’ knowledge. Beaton stated, “Writing about Harry Potter enabled them to think through issues and develop understanding” (101).

Using Harry Potter as a teaching method will open so many doors for teachers. It gives educators multiple of different pathways to play around with and engage not only the students, but their selves. After teaching the same lesson plan year after year can start to create a rut. Using Harry Potter will create different lessons, projects, homework, and environments each year. Which then keeps it interesting for the teacher and the teacher will not lose their interest.

Lastly, it motivates everyone who is participating in the Harry Potter units. Whether it be the books or the movies, everyone gets a little hyped about Harry Potter. It is fiction and it is fun for everyone. Incorporating Harry Potter into classes of all types will allow students to understand more clearly. It will (hopefully) stick with them for a lifetime and will maybe someday help them with a future situation because of the material that was attached to Harry Potter. Those students will someday thank their teachers and the lessons that came along with the Harry Potter lessons.


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