Victoria Reading Journal 6

The article, The Chemical Wizardry of J.K. Rowling, was written about the chemistry and how each trick in the movies and books were used from a scientific side.. The author, Jane Snell Copes, is a chemist and wanted to crack the magic. In her article there are different tricks that were used and Copes was able to give an explanation. For some people, the ones who need answers, this article will help answer any questions. However, if you are a person who likes to leave the magic, this is not the article for you. The entire article is focused on how to understand the underlying chemicals used.

As the article went on it described each different trick. Which is nice for those who love special affects and want to know more about it. Copes stated “This is a where to find the necessary safety information, complete directions, disposal information, and explations of a selection of magical effects.” This allows the Muggles to produce magic, however, it takes the magic away from those audience who want to keep it there. There are children, teens, and young adults who have the belief magic still in their hearts. This article attains to all types of audiences because it has answers. It is able to grab the audience’s attention and attach them. It also gives another inside look on how Harry Potter was produced.

For Muggles, who wants to be a Wizard (but can’t), is able to also produce the magic. Smuggles struggle with not having magic, and their wants of magic. This article goes through each trick and explains even how Harry’s Wand produces magic. Codes stated that the sparks coming out of the wand were simple “firework sparklers to resemble a Fas-acting, one shot magic wand.” For those Muggles who have a wand, they are now able to produce the same sparks, just like the movies did.

The one problem Smuggles are going to face is that the chemicals Code is saying to use are not accessible to the public. Chemists are the only ones who have access to the chemicals, because some are harmful to the Muggles. There are some chemicals available and are easy to purchase.

Another problem Muggles are facing is a lot of potions being used in the article were taught through a Wizarding professor. Codes said, “Potions experiments often have dangerous outcomes.” Which is harmful to a Wizard/Witch, but especially harmful to Smuggles because they have no experience in the field of potion making.

The article gives another outlook on magic used in the Harry Potter series. It gave the Muggles (audience) answers and step on how to create it. It also took away magic from Muggles who wanted to keep the magic there. Lastly, it can be harmful to Muggles, because, many of the chemicals used are harmful without experience and prior knowledge.

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