Production Samples

“Quentin”, A Short Film (Psychological Drama)

“Quentin” is a short film that I wrote, filmed, directed, edited, and starred in. This film was my final project for the COMM 351 (Advanced Video Production) course on December 10th, 2019. I was tasked with creating a 5-minute short film entirely on my own. While I was permitted to recruit actors, composers, and camera operators, I was required to mostly work on this film by myself. Aside from my cousin, who played and voiced a character at the end, I made this short film entirely by myself. As far as feedback goes, the film was submitted via a YouTube link on my old YouTube account, so I am completely unaware of any comments my professor made regarding its quality; however, I received a perfect score on the assignment.


“The Campus”, A Short Film (“The Office” Parody/ Comedy)

“The Campus” is a short film that I recorded some of the audio for and had a minor acting role in. The film was a final project for the COMM 351 (Advanced Video Production) course on December 10th, 2019. My class was tasked with organizing into a production crew and creating a short film. Each student was assigned a job on the production team, and worked (loosely) around those assignments. Due to me having a lot of down-time on the set, I started to pull some more weight with the audio crew. Much like my solo short film for the same course, the project was submitted via a YouTube link, and it received a 9.75/10. The assignment was worth 1/8 of my grade for the course. In February 2020, I received an email requesting that the cast and crew behind “The Campus” fill out talent release forms so that the film may be shown at the IUP Film Festival in April 2020. While the IUP Film Festival never happened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the film was featured at the Communications Media awards video chat.


“DIO’S WORLD” (Adobe After Effects Demo)

This was simply a demonstration I had made as an out-of-class assignment for the COMM 281 (Digital Video Editing) course in late November 2019, and the assignment required me to teach myself an effect through Adobe After Effects and showcase it in a short video. I chose “The World”, a time-stopping supernatural “stand” ability used by the character DIO in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. I take pride in this one because while it is only 10 seconds long, it stands as a testament to my unyielding determination; I taught myself how to apply this effect over the course of about five hours without any tutorials or plug-ins. I received a perfect score on this assignment.


“Press Start Plays: Bloodstained: CotM” (Let’s Play-Style Show Segment)

“Press Start Plays: Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon” was a segment that I produced, directed, anchored, and edited while working on Press Start for IUP-TV. Each installment of this segment aired in most episodes of the show’s tenth season. Near the end of the season, I edited the segment into the supercut I named “The Director’s Cut”. This project was more of a passion project of mine, but it did help me further my skills as an editor and become more comfortable with Adobe Premiere. I currently am unaware of how the segment was received when it aired on television.


“Press Start (S9 E4)” (Television Show)

This is an example of one of the episodes of Press Start that I produced during my time with IUP-TV. I planned out the episode with my fellow producers, helped with setting up for each segment, operated the teleprompter, and generally provided some direction as far as how to go about filming the episode. I am currently unaware of how the episode was received when it aired on television.