All About Burnie Burns and RoosterTeeth


Burnie Burns, born as Michael Justin Burns, is the CEO of RoosterTeeth and the creator of Red v. Blue and Lazer Team, along with other projects created under RoosterTeeth. Burnie was born in New York, but has lived most of his life in Austin, Texas, where RoosterTeeth is currently located.

In his early life, he went to Alief Elsik High School, where he got the nickname “Burnie.” It was given to him by a classmate who wanted to differentiate him between the other Michael’s in his class. He then went on to go to The University of Texas at Austin. Here, he started working on the campus TV station. While he was there, he started a new TV program Sneak Peak, which is the longest running student television show at The University of Texas at Austin.


While attending school, he was working at a tech company where he met future co-founders of RoosterTeeth, Geoff Ramsey and Gus Sorola. As they started working together, they started to develop a new, game changing video-game based videos. The videos were called Red v. Blue. They used a technique called machinima, which means to take pre-recorded game play from a video game and dub audio over top to make create a story.  When they first used this technique, it was widely disregarded, and nobody really paid any attention to the series. After they got recognition from Computer Gaming World, the series became so popular, that they had to revise their original thought of only making these short, comedic videos to a full season length, consisting of 20 episodes or so per season.


Because of the popularity they were getting, the decided to make their own website, properly named Their domain name has since changed to, because after Red v. Blue, their company grew beyond their imaginations. Over the course of the next couple of years, they went on to make more machinima content, like The Strangerhood and PANICS. These shows made their popularity grow even more, so Burnie had to grow his company.

Presently, they have made a lot of great content. To name some, Immersion, where they take video game situations and try to replicate them in real life, RWBY, being a very popular anime show, and The RoosterTeeth Podcast, where his co-founder, Gus Sorola, hosts a podcast every week and has guests through out the company talk about recent events and popular topics.


Because of them, they have inspired me to pursue the Communication Media field so i can one day hopefully work for them. To hear their story, to have them come up from nothing and create such a successful company, who has produced a Blockbuster movie called Lazer Team, it has motivated me to learn all i can about production and editing.

Have you ever heard of these guys? Do you love them as much as i do? Let me know in the comments below about what you think!


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  21. 性玩具性玩具可以提供各種刺激感,從溫和到強烈,以滿足不同的性需求和偏好。您可以在旅途中享受非凡的體驗,因此利用這個機會使用性玩具會很有趣。給人們的性生活提供正向幫助,或自慰時給人愉悅心情和感覺。指的是利用一些輔助性玩具,幫助成年人得到性的輔助。

  22. 情趣玩具 情趣玩具的種類包含:震動棒、飛機杯、充氣娃娃、情趣內衣等,精心設計的情趣玩具不僅外觀時尚,而且操作簡單,还可以增加性刺激和樂趣。為您的性生活帶來樂趣。

  23. 情趣用品情趣用品通常包括各種類型的自慰棒,飛機杯,遙控跳蛋,等性用品、情趣用品有助於提升性刺激、加強親密感,並有助於解決一些性功能障礙或性需求不匹配的問題。享受刺激的性愛,各種體驗,應有盡有,這些產品可以幫助個人或伴侶探索新的性愛方式,增加情趣和激情,趕快試試吧。

  24. 成人用品成人用品性用品是設計來提升性愛樂趣和滿足的工具,通常包括各種類型的玩具、情趣服飾、按摩油等。這些產品可以幫助夫妻或伴侶探索新的性愛方式,增加情趣和激情。也推薦給那些從未用成人用品描繪伴侶身體的人,釋放天性,獲得快樂。成人用品都可以為性生活增添新的樂趣和深度。

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