Dear readers,
Do you have any idea who is this little guy ? this is actually my son, Ammar 🙂
Honestly, I believe that Shelly Jackson is a very great writer because she uses more than one thing to present her beautiful pieces of the literary work. She actually presents a picture and some sounds in relation to the hypertext through some words and sentences in the text.
A Hypertext could be defined as a link for one spot to another. In another words, it’s used to generate links which would lead the reader from one place to another. Shelly Jackson work of My Body-A Wunderkammer interestingly forced me to click on each art of the body to read about how the different genders of the woman and the man who were explaining some ideas about their bodies. This picture and the sound at the beginning of the work were really great combination to create the mode of the literary work for the reader. Moreover, the use of hypertext more and more on some of the words and the sentences increases the enthusiasm in the readers’ minds when they read the literary work because they want to discover more information and explanation about the text. It also helps in collaborating the information with different references. However, this actually was great application to the text although through moving from one source to another I sort of felt distracted and confused. I needed to go back to the first page to check the first text and then go back to the second reference to connect the two ideas together. Of course, I would happily use this method in my classes, but I would put huge focus that using hypertext wouldn’t distract my student because I want them to feel the pieces of literature they are reading, I want them to enter another world when they read and i don’t want to help stoping their flow of ideas and imagination.
Honestly, I uploaded my son picture because I wanted to put some emphasis that using visual images with some hypertext in relation to the piece of work would greatly help the reader to understand and profoundly build some ideas in the mind about whatever kind of text s/he is reading. I wish I could add some sounds and more hypertext to show and confirm the benefits of these methods.
P.S. i’m really interested to know if you feel that hypertext is distracted in a way, or not distracted at all ?
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