March 6

Preparing for Midterms

Midterms can be a stressful time for students. You are preparing for multiple exams at one time while preparing to leave for spring break. I am here to let you know that you do not need to stress yourself out! Here you will find a few tips and tricks to prepare for midterms this semester.

Things to Consider

Organization: This is key to effective preparation for midterms. Creating a study timetable and setting study goals, will give you a realistic time frame in which you can achieve them.

Study Tools: Find the study tools that work for you. Using tools like mnemonics can help you memorize information in a quirky manor. Making use of study guides, flash cards and supplemental course material can also aid your study process.

 Procrastination: It can be easy to fall into procrastination habits and keep putting off your work. Devoting yourself to the work now, will leave less for you to worry about later. The week before an exam should be used to brush up on skills, not to teach yourself new material.

Know Yourself: Midterm time is some of the busiest of any college students’ academic career. Make sure you are aware of your preferred study methods, your most motivated time of day and what kind of self care you might need to get through the week.

Night Before: Cramming for an exam, or pulling an all nighter can be detrimental to your ability to retain information. You want to make sure you get a good night sleep and stay positive!

Resources: Make sure you are doing everything possible to prepare for your exams. The Academic Success Center offers Tutoring for different subjects each semester. In addition, you can find more information and study resources on their website


Posted March 6, 2017 by tskw in category Uncategorized

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