December 2

Open This In Case of Final Exams Panic

Final exam week is always a scary time. If your reaction is similar to the person in the video above, don’t worry. We have a few tips and tricks to make the next few weeks as painless as possible.

Start Early

Ask Questions: If there is material you are unsure of or just information you want to clarify, ask your professor! The weeks leading up to the final exam are the most important. You don’t want to spend the bulk of your study time, re-teaching yourself material.

Create Study Guides: Using the notes you’ve kept all semester (if you would like note-taking tips, click here), class assignments and handouts, create a study guide for each of your exams. Studying is much easier to get through when the material is organized toward your learning style.

Create a Schedule: Trying to cram all the information into your brain in one sitting, is not going to be effective. Planning a schedule for each class, and setting specific topics to cover, are just two ways to stop that overwhelming feeling before it even starts.

Plan Accordingly

Prioritize: Time management is the great skill anyone could possess. Studying exam material in order of importance, test dates, or information you would like to spend extra time on, are all ways to make your study sessions efficient.

Identify Your Study Habits: Procrastination is easy when you’re overwhelmed. It is important to know if you prefer to study using a guide, flashcards, a review sheet, or any other method. Knowing your study habits allows you to go into your study sessions with a preemptive plan, minimizing your flexibility for procrastination.

Group Study: Studying can be more fun when you do it with others. The key is regulating that fun. If you’re spending more time talking about the latest Buzzfeed article, than studying, this might not be the best way to ace your exam. Picking your studying groups accordingly and devising a study plan is the best way to go.

Visit Office Hours: Professors hold office hours because they want to serve as a resource for students. Take advantage of your professors office hours. Ask them questions, discuss course material, make sure you are as prepared as possible for your exam.

Visit the Tutoring Center: The tutoring center is located in Stabley Library 201-A, take advantage of it! They are here to help you succeed. The tutoring center will be open until finals week, so please visit their website for their hours.

Take Care of Yourself

Take Breaks: If you think spending 22 hours in a room, hypercaffeinated, and diligently studying is effective…I have some upsetting news for you. The most important thing to remember about finals week is to listen to your body. Take a break when your brain has had enough information. Go for a walk, stretch your legs and de-stress for a few minutes. You are only able to retain limited information, don’t minimize that retention by overworking your body.

Get Enough Sleep: If you’re a college student you probably haven’t had a good nights sleep since August 29th, and that is okay. Depriving your body of sleep right before an exam, limits your brain’s ability to retain information, and you didn’t stay up all night studying just so you could get to the exam and forget everything.  A full nights sleep right before an exam is the first step in getting that passing grade.


Pack Snacks: Did you really have a library study session if you didn’t pack snacks? As much as we want to stress eat potato chips, pizza, and burgers during finals week, these will make you feel sluggish and sick. Pack some protein, fruits, veggies, or other favorite snacks to keep your energy levels high!

Create a Playlist: A real study session includes a ten second dance party. Music helps you concentrate, increases your mood, amongst other benefits. Pre-set your study playlist with pump up music and study music to keep your study session going smooth.

Make It Fun: Studying can be stressful, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Create new, effective ways to study, create playlists, take breaks, and make sure you’re exercising self-care through-out your study sessions.

Happy Finals Week!

Posted December 2, 2016 by tskw in category Uncategorized

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