Truth and Words to Inspire – “What I’ve Learned”

Some important things I have learned over time, and with greater maturity…

1. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, a lot actually. For example, in living and breathing, that is a huge blessing.

2. We are never defined by our hardships, or the obstacles that we must overcome; we are not defined by at times, temporary circumstances of hardship quite the contrary actually. We are defined by how we overcome those obstacles, to grow, to learn and to better ourselves each and every day – this opportunity is always present to do better, be kinder, choose more love for yourself and therefore be able to proceed with greater love for others .

3. We are and should never be in competition with anyone, each of us have gifts, God given gifts to use for good in the world. It is our responsibility to ourselves and others to find them and use them to contribute good in the world.

4. When one experiences moments of joy and times in your life or in each day (as the opportunity for joy exists each and every day) cherish that. The precise unique joyful moments or times in one’s life won’t last; meaning, each joyful moment exists in that moment or phase in time precisely as it does, so appreciate, recognize the value in the moment or phase in time. The great memories do last, hold onto those. Create more joy, look for the good in every day. Stop rushing around for example to see the beautiful sunset or sunrise for example and appreciate it, no sunset or sunrise will ever be precisely or uniquely the same. Yes there will be more beautiful sunrises and sunsets but each extremely unique in its beauty. This can be applied to life.

5. There are people who will proceed in manners that hurt us at times. Realize that is about the one who is proceeding in an unkind manner, they have not yet found love from within for themselves to a full extent, or something is unhealed in them from pain they may have experienced, which is why it comes out externally. Pray and hope for them that one day they heal what has hurt them and have love, when they do, they can share proceed with love and kindness for others, always. And be sure to do the same for oneself, have love and kindness in your heart starting with you and then this love will become present in all you do and the kindness and love is then shared.

6.No matter how much we think we know, there is always room for improvement and more to learn. All of us can teach and all of us can learn in a positive and inspiring love based manner, whether age 5 or age 80.

7. Each day everyone has a choice to proceed with love and kindness toward all. Choose that path, which is filled with immense blessings. And much to be thankful for.

8. Build others up, and never tear down. YOU will feel better and a bit of kindness goes a long way. Focus on your strengths and the strengths of others.

Have a great weekend everyone. Much love and many blessings. <3
Signed me 🙂 – © 2017 Lisa Pellegrene

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