How To Properly Utilize SEO

SEO is the commonly used abbreviation for “Search Engine Optimization” which refers to the process of advancing your content so that it is better positioned when being researched through different search engines such as Google. Have you ever tried looking for a product or business online, only to get thousands or even millions of results spat back at you after hitting the search button? Now consider how often you actually take the time to scroll through the third, fourth, fifth pages and so on. Studies show that nearly seventy percent of the clicks on google go to the top five results which is why it is extremely important to understand SEO, how it works, and how to use it to your advantage. 

If you’re like me, you’re someone who is using technology every single day. When I am looking for information regarding almost anything, the first thing I do is Google it. With the abundance of resources we all have at our fingertips, I find myself yearning for accurate and immediate results. That being said, I typically modify my search multiple times to try to find the most relevant content. I do my best to specify my word choice because keywords matter and can make all the difference. I consider retyping the phrases or wording as a time saving tool. Ideally, the algorithms designed for different search engines will list the links most relevant to your search at the top of the page. If I don’t find what I’m looking for within the first few options, I’ll try again rather than sorting through numerous pages to look at every result that popped up.

Screenshotted from Google Search Engine, taken January 8, 2021


Search engines function by using different algorithms that combine hundreds of factors such as word matching, credibility of the sources, location, usability, etc. The two main categories that web pages fall into when advancing their online content are white hat and black hat SEO. Black hat SEO is the strategy that people use when trying to get traffic regardless of whether or not the content they are advertising is relevant. White hat is better for businesses because these links tend to stay popular for longer by being honest in their labels and providing the consumer with the information they’re looking for. Of course some content creators will combine these methods, creating what’s known as grey hat SEO, but overall white is going to be the most beneficial for your brand.

How do you create a scalable link? By including more broad terms or phrases, you’ll be able to appeal to a larger audience. Identify your page’s focus and brainstorm what larger category it falls under, then use that to advertise your content. Next, you’ll want to ensure that the content you’re creating or promoting will continue to be relevant in the future. For example, if you’re a real estate agent who is building a website, advertising your brand as “2010’s Top Realtor!” may no longer be effective. Although it is a great achievement, you can surely find a more suitable location to list previous accomplishments. Get connected through backlinks. Backlinks hold massive weight in SEO because they associate your content with other similar or relevant links, resulting in search engines ranking your page higher. The more backlinks you have on your list, the greater chance you have as being featured as one of the top links.

Screenshotted from Google Search Engine, taken January 8, 2021


Now some people consider the use of backlinks, to fall under grey hat territory. This comes from the idea that links you deem as being ‘related’ or ‘relevant’ don’t completely comply with the notion of advertising your content as simply or specific as white hat SEO requires. However, I disagree and believe that you can still deliver honest and high quality information while utilizing similar content to boost your position online. The world wide web hosts millions and millions of data, in order to be a competitive force against the countless other links out there, you should utilize these tools and resources while providing consumers with sincere content. What is your opinion on the matter? Have you ever used backlinks? Let me know in the comment section!

SEO can be extremely beneficial by generating more traffic to your site and helping you to stand out in the deep sea of links that are out there. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding this topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email or through my social accounts that are listed on my website. It’s important that I can address any confusion in future blog posts. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my “Media Promotion Within Real Estate, a ‘How To’ Blog” if you’re interested in learning more about the real estate industry and/or the different ways that you can become a more effective online entity. Additionally, if you found this information to be helpful, like this post and share it with your friends and followers to help grow our ‘Mad About Real Estate’ community!


Backlinks [2021 SEO]. (n.d.). Retrieved January 08, 2021, from (n.d.). Retrieved January 08, 2021, from,and%20your%20location%20and%20settings

Hudgens, R. (2019, January 18). How to Scale Your Link Building. Retrieved January 08, 2021, from 

Patel, N. (2021, January 05). SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide. Retrieved January 08, 2021, from 

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