Once you’ve established multiple online platforms for your agency in the form of social media accounts, the real work begins! If you haven’t already infiltrated these media channels, go read my “How To Establish Your Agency’s Online Presence,” to get started. Social media marketing is on the rise and studies show that in 2018, eighty-four percent of marketers reported that they were able to increase traffic for their business by spending only a couple of hours a week on social media platforms. Throughout this post I am going to discuss three key ways to build up your online business using social media. I’ll be focusing on producing effective content and developing relationships with your audience, these tips can be applied to apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and many more.
I am active on the internet as well as multiple social media websites. My most frequented platforms include Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. My preferences may or may not match yours, and that is okay, but it is very likely that both of us follow our favorite celebrities, groups, or businesses that also have accounts on the app. Why do we do this if we don’t have a personal relationship or past transactions with them? It makes us feel connected, provides an opportunity to stay updated, enables us to interact with them, or maybe we just like their content. Think about why you follow who you do, then use that information to give people a reason to follow you.
Is anybody really worth following if they’re not posting informative or entertaining content? First step: post frequently! The more that you post, the more exposure you’ll be getting and the higher your content will be ranked on search engines like Google. Step two: keep your posts consistent. Although you won’t be posting about the same content all of the time, your profile should convey a consistent message. This is applicable to media images as well, for example if you’re using Instagram, editing your photos the same way and maintaining high-quality images can be appealing to the viewer and make your profile look very sleek and professional. Step three: utilize apps’ different features when posting new content. Most social media platforms offer their users a couple of options when posting; statuses, photographs, stories, etc. are all beneficial when building your brand, so be sure to cover all areas when posting.
Once you’ve mastered the art of posting, you have to begin analyzing what methods are working best for you, what areas you need to improve on, and what your game plan is moving forward. Social media is centered around being interactive platforms, giving you the opportunity to gain insightful feedback from your audience through the same channels you’re producing content on. Getting feedback from your audience is one of the most effective tools that marketers use to strategize their next move. Luckily, each of these apps allow the audience to provide feedback, most even do this in multiple ways. Feedback is all around us within the world of social media, a like, comment, view, retweet, vote, favorite, etc. are all awesome tools that you can use to improve your online game. What posts are your audience most interested in? What do they interact with the most? What do they want to see? These are questions you can even ask your followers through custom polls. Once you’ve gathered the feedback and incorporated it to improve your social media practices, you’re going to be viewed as a more involved and receptive entity.

Source: https://www.je-consulting.co.uk/social-media-essentials-feedback/ , retrieved January 8, 2021
Being receptive to consumer feedback is one of the most important things that every business should practice because it will help to improve public relations and further develop your relationship with the market. This includes not only your audience interacting with your agency, but also your agency interacting with your audience. People want to feel heard and to feel like their opinions matter. Responding to messages and comments is a great way to make them feel noticed and let your viewers know that they’re support is valued. The social media world can often be a pool of positive and negative reactions. Although we are striving for the positive reaction from the public, negative feedback is still important. Problems or concerns should be dealt with as soon as possible, it’s common for people to become more frustrated overtime especially if they feel they’re being ignored. Overall, be openly grateful for all interactions and take them as constructive criticism.
Along with these benefits, social media is a cost effective and immediate form of advertising that can have a major impact on your agency’s exposure and growth. With social media on the rise, agencies have to implement these techniques to keep up with the technology and stay competitive. What social media platforms have you developed for your agency? Do you have additional tips on how to generate feedback through these media channels? Which of these platforms have been most beneficial to your business? Let me know about your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in the comment section!
Social media is constantly evolving and can at times seem intimidating. From a business’s standpoint you can imagine the difficulty of analyzing so much feedback and trying to find new ways to keep their audience involved. Therefore, if you have additional questions or concerns regarding this topic, don’t hesitate to contact me through my email or by reaching out through my social accounts that are all listed on my website. If you found this post to be helpful, don’t forget to like this blog and if you’re interested in learning more about how you can use media to better position your business, subscribe to my “Media Promotion Within Real Estate, a ‘How To’ Blog.” You can help to grow the ‘Mad About Real Estate’ community by sharing this post with your friends and followers!
Chen, J. (2020, October 21). 5 actionable strategies for social media branding. Retrieved January 09, 2021, from https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-branding/
DeFranzo, S. E. (2019, May 21). 5 Reasons Why Feedback is Important. Retrieved January 09, 2021, from https://www.snapsurveys.com/blog/5-reasons-feedback-important/
Riserbato, R. (2019, October 29). 16 Effective Ways to Build Your Online Presence. Retrieved January 08, 2021, from https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/online-presence
Smith, K. (2019, August 13). 15 Reasons Why Marketing Through Social Media Should Be Prioritized. Retrieved January 09, 2021, from https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/marketing-through-social-media/#:~:text=Marketing%20through%20social%20media%20is%20cost%20effective.&text=The%20good%20news%20is%20that,on%20social%20media%20per%20week.