How To Establish Your Agency’s Online Presence

Did you know that ninety-seven percent of people today use the internet when trying to find a business? Simply passing out business cards isn’t cutting it anymore! Although this is a good strategy, as an agency, if you are not utilizing your online resources you are limiting yourself. Billions of people use the internet everyday, giving you the opportunity to get your name out there more quickly than ever before. By promoting your business through different media channels you’re able to build relationships with the public, show off your services, and gain access to a much wider audience. Next, I’ll be sharing with you some of the ways that are crucial to developing your business’s online profile., retrieved January 7, 2021


One of the first steps that you can take to build your online presence is to develop a website. Regardless of your other forms of media, this is going to be your main information hub where people can learn about your services, background, contact information, etc. This is going to be somewhat of a foundation that all of your other media channels will link back to when researching your agency. Luckily, there are numerous website building software that can offer you the tools you need to create this platform on your own. Some of the highest rated website design programs include Wix, Network Solutions,, Squarespace, and Site123, each of these boast ratings of nine or above out of ten; making them some of the most resourceful and user-friendly web page developing tools out there. 

When determining what to include on your site, put yourself in the customer’s shoes, prioritize what they want to see and what they need to know. Provide examples of how you’ve helped your other clients; how quickly you were able to find them a home? What ways did you assist them to make the process go smoothly? Adding media such as photos or videos is a great way to prevent from having a boring website and it shows your viewers that you are tech savvy (a quality that is essential when navigating today’s real estate market)! If your agency has multiple realtors, including an image of them when introducing them can help your audience put a face to their name and make your business appear more friendly and approachable.

Getty Images, retrieved from, January 7, 2021


Once you’ve created a website, it’s time to spread the word! Social media platforms are a great way to generate buzz about your agency. It’s best to develop business accounts for multiple social sites because each of them offer different benefits and appeal to different groups. The most commonly used forms of social media in 2020 include, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. To fully take advantage of these resources you’ll want to be active on your accounts and keep them up to date. On each of these accounts you should provide links that can direct the viewer to your official website which likely hosts more information. These media channels are awesome for connecting you to buyers because they can freely interact with your account through comments or by messaging you directly. Additionally, you can ask your previous clients to tag you in any of their posts which relate to your business with them, which can be great exposure for you and the tag will allow their own followers to easily find and connect with your account.

It’s my suggestion that you maintain a consistent media presence and image throughout each of these different platforms as well as staying active through posts, status updates, and responding to comments and messages. What are some of your favorite techniques that get your online audience involved with your agency? Which platform do you tend to get the most business inquiries on? What online platform has become the most popular for your business? Let me know in the comment section!

Mastering online promotion can be a process, so if you still have questions after reading this, reach out to me by leaving a comment or by contacting me directly through my email or social accounts so that I may address any confusion or concerns in future blog posts. If you think that your business could benefit from more online tips, then be sure to subscribe to my “Media Promotion Within Real Estate, a ‘How To’ Blog” to be notified when I post next. Do you have friends or followers who could be interested in joining our ‘Mad About Real Estate’ community? In that case, don’t forget to like and share this post with them.


Riserbato, R. (2019, October 29). 16 Effective Ways to Build Your Online Presence. Retrieved January 08, 2021, from 

Robinson, R. (n.d.). 7 Top Social Media Sites in 2020. Retrieved January 08, 2021, from  

The Best 10 Website Builders – The Best 10 Website Builders. (n.d.). Retrieved January 08, 2021, from

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