A Mother’s Worse Nightmare

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime,Race and Crime — tplx at 6:19 pm on Thursday, December 10, 2020

On October 18, 2016, Seven Seconds, A Netflix series created by Veena Sud and Gavin O’Conner and produced by Johnathan Filley, Shana Fishcer Huber focused on a story about the injustice of a 15-year-old African American male by the name of Brenton Bulter who has died in a hit-in-run.  The series starts off with, Peter […]

Hate Crimes in the US

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — smpw at 5:04 pm on Thursday, December 10, 2020

Hate Crimes in the United States Summary This YouTube video goes into detail about crime regarding white supremacists and hate crime. This film starts off showing you groups white supremacists and neo-Nazis members marching in Charlottesville that originally started because a confederate statue was taken down. Many counter protesters also showed up to this event. […]

Criminals or Victims?

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — slkz at 5:13 am on Thursday, December 10, 2020

The media source I chose to view for ethnicity within the criminal justice system was the first episode of the Netflix documentary series Living Undocumented. The main focus within the first episode is on two families both with children and both with at least one adult of the family getting deported. Noah’s story is that […]

Let the fire burn

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — rygy at 5:02 am on Thursday, December 10, 2020

This documentary is called “Let the fire burn”. It was created in 2013 and is produced by Jason Osder. The MOVE organization was an outcast group founded by John Africa. This was an organization of colored people that operated mainly in West Philadelphia. They were a sort of religion; they did not conform to the […]

Private Prisons/Mass Incarceration

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — dmdx at 4:30 am on Thursday, December 10, 2020

For this last media blog post, I listened to an episode of a podcast called Criminal Injustice and it was episode #75: Punishment for Profit. In this episode the host, David A. Harris, focuses on private prisons and the fact that they can make money off of how many inmates they have at a given […]

Ethnicity and race

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — jkcy at 2:25 am on Thursday, December 10, 2020

Jeffrey Poland 12/9/20 Ethnicity/ Immigration and crime   The subject I chose to talk about today was the correlation of ethnicity and crime in America today. The specific thing I chose to talk about was immigration and crime and how they are treated going through the criminal justice system and through trial. It is always […]

When does it end?

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — cplbc at 12:01 am on Thursday, December 10, 2020

For the last Iblog, I am using a Frontline documentary, Marcos Doesn’t Live Here. A truly heartbreaking story of a family getting ripped apart. Marcos Perez, a father, and husband of U.S citizens were deported in 2010 from his life he loved. Children lost their dad, a wife lost her husband in a blink of […]

Freedom for Ethnicity

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — rkdy at 9:35 pm on Wednesday, December 9, 2020

For my Media Blog 3 post I have decided to do my post on The boy in the Striped Pajamas, which relates to ethnicity and crime. As most people know from watching this movie, the Jews were treated very unfairly and didn’t deserve what they had gotten just because the Nazis weren’t fond of them. […]

Say Her Name? : A Different Understanding of the Breonna Taylor Case (media blog post #2)

Filed under: Class and Crime,Ethnicity and Crime,Race and Crime — ljlx at 12:34 am on Wednesday, December 9, 2020

  Say Her Name? : A Different Understanding of the Breonna Taylor Case Aaron Hoda Indiana University of Pennsylvania   As we all know by now, Breonna Taylor was a African American woman who was tragically caught in the crossfire in a shootout with police and her boyfriend. If you are like me you might […]

You Need to Trust Police Officers : Defunding The Police Won’t Fix The Problem.

Filed under: Class and Crime,Ethnicity and Crime,Race and Crime — ljlx at 12:11 am on Wednesday, December 9, 2020

You Need to Trust Police Officers :  Defunding The Police Won’t Fix The Problem.  Aaron Hoda  Indiana University of Pennsylvania    Police officers are the most controversial topic in today’s culture as well as the police brutality that may be present. However, I will explain how police can build better trust in the community as […]

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