Understanding The Kill

Filed under: Ethnicity and Crime — ydwy at 3:07 pm on Monday, December 7, 2020

The media source I chose to watch is an movie titled “A Time To Kill”. It is was made in the year 1996 and it was based of a novel. The main characters is Samuel Jackson , Sandra Bullock, Kevin Spacey , and Matthew McConaughey. The director of the movie is Joel Schumacher and produced by Amon Milchan , John Grisham, Hunt Lowry , and Michael Nathanson. The movie is about a black man by the name of Carl Lee Hailey  from Canton , Mississippi who is on trial for the murder of tow white man who raped his ten year old daughter. Which leads to a lot of racist tension and the town and revenge from the Ku Klux Klan. Carl is defended by a white man named Jake Brigance and his assistant Ellen Roark.

Watch A Time to Kill (1996) | Prime Video (amazon.com)

This movies fit into the media blog post race and crime because this movies is really all about crime and Carl killed the two white men because of a disgusting racial they did on his daughter by raping the ten year old girl. Throughout the film they just show different racist crimes committed by the Ku Klux Klan  which again all they stand for is racism so the movies really embodies everything  about race and crime. The movie shows a great example of disparity discrimination as discussed int the power point from week 8 ( Introduction to Racial Disparities and Discrimination in the CJS – PowerPoint ). The disparity that was show was that the two white men raped and almost killed a ten year old girl and was about to get away with no consequence because Mississippi was real bad racist state and they was going allow that to go. Now while Carl wasn’t right he didn’t want to see them get away so he took the justice in his own hand and killed them and they tried to get the death sentence for him from the jump. Like it said in the power point discrimination is differential treatment of individuals or groups not based on legal factors. I put that there because I for sure feel like Carl was dealing with that while the two white men and the Ku Klux Klan didn’t have to deal with no legal troubles for what they did. This movie was just feel with racial tension and just and crimes that people didn’t pay for because of the racial discrimination like one for example the lawyer who was representing Carl Lee the KU Klux Klan when to his elderly secretary house and assaulted her and her husband and that leads to her husband dying from a heart attack because of the assault and that is another murder they got away with. Also the KU Klux Klan kidnaps and assaults Jake Brigance assistant and leavers her tied up in the wood but she survived because somebody came and saved her.

Overall I hate to say justice was served but it mine hearts of hearts I feel like justice was served because at the end of the day they tired to kill and raped a innocent very young girl and basically was bout to get away with because if ho they was. So Carl said forget this and decided to handle his own business and at the end of the day he got away with it because a great white lawyer and because of the crime that was committed to his daughter. This film is really hard to try to understand because I mean you get the concept of why he killed the two white dudes. But you never want to condone murder of any type so it is like you was torn on how to fell about the situation but I don’t get it twisted I would want justice but I would want to two people in prison to rot and suffer but they the criminal justice system was set up back then they probably would have gotten away with it. So I see why Carl lee did that because he know true justice wasn’t going to be served that’s why he called the lawyer Jake Brigance to tell him  he was going to do it and if he did it could he get him out of it and another reason he called is to see is there a real chance the rapists can walk free and when he finds that out he really just decides I am going to do this myself.


Week 8 – March 23-28 – History of Racial Discrimination Introduction to Racial Disparities and Discrimination in the CJS – PowerPoint





December 7, 2020 @ 3:37 pm   Reply

I think you did a good job summarizing and comparing this to the readings. I find disgusting that people can get away with or have gotten away with crimes. In my opinion revenge is a sticky subject to look at when going through the criminal justice system. On one hand there is justice that has not been served, but on the other another crime has been committed.



December 8, 2020 @ 4:50 pm   Reply

I’ve never heard of this movie before but I’ll definitely have to watch it. I can understand why Carl killed the two men who raped his daughter. Any parent would be outraged if their child’s assailants walked free with no consequences. I’m not condoning the fact that he killed them, but I can see why he did it. I feel every today people would only focus on the fact that a black man killed two white men, not the fact that two white men raped a 10 year old girl. It’s disgusting to see that so many people wanted to give Carl the death penalty straight away, and most of it sounds race-based. It’s also sickening how the Ku Klux Klan seems to get away with the crimes they commit because they’re an “organization”.



December 9, 2020 @ 12:20 am   Reply

This is an interesting story where at the time white people could get away with anything. This story is tragic and really sheds some light in which how blacks were treated back then and had been set up to fail in court and in the CJS.

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