Tentative about Technology? College of Education Has Your Back!

College Technology DayFacebook, Twitter, PowerPoint, Google, the “Cloud,” Prezi, D2L, podcasting, Photoshop, webinars, Moodle, tablets…

It’s all part of teaching and learning today.

Confused? Don’t worry. The College of Education and Educational Technology has your back.

January 18, 2012, is the second annual Technology Day, sponsored by the College of Education and Educational Technology. This event, held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Stouffer Hall’s Beard Auditorium, is open to the entire IUP community and features faculty and staff members across the university sharing expertise on technology topics related to teaching and learning. It’s free, and no registration is required–and you can come and go as your schedule permits.

Worried about best use of PowerPoint? Come to the 9:00 a.m. session with Cheryl Kohler.

Okay with PowerPoint but twitterpated about Twitter? Listen to John Lowery’s program “Twitter Backchannels: Extending the Classroom Discussion,” or Crystal Machado and Ying Jiang’s “Don’t Get Bitter… Just Twitter.”

Facebook hater? Don’t be. Come to Jennifer Forrest’s “Using Facebook to Encourage and Monitor Students Working on Group Projects.”

The programs all focus on how technology can advance teaching or the use of IUP’s unique technology products, including IUP’s new test-scoring system (presented by Joanne Kuta) and its new calendar system (co-presented by Todd Cunningham and Ben Dadson). In addition to the individual and group presentations, there will be a panel discussion about use of simulation in teaching and learning and one about “Teaching Online Courses–A Panel of Experienced Faculty.”

These are just some of the presentations scheduled throughout the day. For a more detailed schedule, visit the College of Education website or contact Lloyd Onyett, assistant dean for technology.

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