Hair for a Month, Impact Here Forever

man of movember Mike Stough_260px.jpgIUP’s Greek fraternities raised $1,500 for the national Movember project, which promotes awareness of men’s health issues, especially prostate and testicular cancers.

No, that wasn’t a typo.

“Movember,” a.k.a. November, is named to reflect both the month and the activity. During November, men at IUP were encouraged to grow a mustache (or “mo”) in support of the project and men’s health.

Some 30 IUP men, most in fraternities, grew mustaches and participated in a “pack the house” event for the November 14, 2011, men’s basketball game, staged a bowling tournament, and held several other fund-raising events throughout the month, plus the Movember Gala early in December.

There were prizes–for teams and for individuals–including the “Man of Movember” award, won by Mike Stough from Phi Kappa Tau fraternity.

A very nice way to end the semester.

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