Videos from Stills Showcase Campus Life

IUP’s fabulous photographer, Keith Boyer, is now dabbling in a twisted form of media by putting his still pictures to music to create small video features. Here’s an example…

This new venture allows the Communications Office to use his photos in more venues. It also gives us a new way to provide video products to the IUP community. Of course, productions like this one are not substitutes for video productions made with bonafide video expertise and equipment. IUP is very lucky to have two talented people in the form of Bill Hamilton and Emily Smith creating videos of that ilk. And, those who are familiar with Bill’s Get My Story productions and Emily’s IUP 360 productions know that they are of a different kind–and all three genres have a place in telling IUP’s stories. The more productions like these we have to share, the more we can share with those we serve at IUP and with all of our constituents through social media. It’s all part of promoting the best our campus has to offer. Watch for productions like these on IUP’s YouTube Channel, IUP’s Facebook page, and other spots around our own website.

Want to see more? Here’s a piece Keith created to cover Welcome Weekend activities:

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