Welcome to Around the Oak Grove

Welcome to our experiment.

One of the main jobs of IUP’s Office of Communications is to tell the story of IUP. Or, rather, stories. With over 15,000 students, 700 professors, and 100,000 living alumni, there are a lot of stories to tell.

We tell them wherever we can: online, in print, in e-mail, on television. But frankly, there are always more great IUP stories than we can ever hope to cover.

Students in the Oak Grove

This blog is an experiment in getting more of those stories out to the public. We may end up revisiting some of these stories elsewhere–in IUP Magazine, in a profile, or in video form. But in the meantime, we want to get those stories out to the public quickly, in a form that’s easy to digest and share. That’s where Around the Oak Grove comes in.

The Oak Grove is where IUP’s story began, and it’s where IUP’s stories have been unfolding for 136 years. Around the Oak Grove aims to bring you the stories we’re hearing around the Oak Grove right now–stories that aren’t getting heard elsewhere and that we think are worth hearing.

We welcome your comments below.

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