Mixing a Guitar Solo

If you are mixing rock n roll music, then you’ve probably come across a guitar solo in your day.  Have you ever listened to a Van Halen track that raises

4 Band Parametric Equalization

Four Band Parametric Equalization The famous sonic tool… the equalizer.  What is an equalizer?  Basically and equalizer is a tool that audio engineers use to boost frequency.  By boosting different

Analyzing Music

Listening to music is something that everyone does.  It is a simple pleasure.  For someone who is studying audio listening to music is about analysis. Tracks blur together, especially if

Quick tip on splicing.

Splicing a track is used a lot in modern recording.  Some people cut multiple times and paste together all the best takes to make one perfect take.  Personally, I try

Balancing a Mix

  Setting a rock mix can be confusing at first, but with a little bit of time spent working, anyone could learn to balance a mix. Knowing where to start

Recording Drums with Two Microphones.

Recording drums anywhere other than a professional studio can be tough.  Throw in the fact that you only have two microphones, and you might as well throw in the towel. 

Mixing with Compression

Compression is a unique tool that is necessary for processing music.  The problem most people face is squashing the audio wave they are working with because they use to much