
It’s really hard to get a lot of people to listen to new and original music.  The music industry is changing rapidly and as I have discussed in earlier posts, marketing is really important to the modern day musician.  So many musicians have to market themselves as indie artists.

That’s fine, in fact it’s actually quite fun.  Of course, targeting your friends and family is a great start, it isn’t going to land you a spot on a major label.  The same goes for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Sure you can get a small fan base, but if you ever want to sell records or even just a few songs, you’ll have to reach further out than just those platforms.

PushPowerPromo is a website that is dedicated to helping the independent artist promote themselves.  This site is pretty neat, they offer contest, where any musician with a profile can enter.  The contest are free, so if you have a great song, just sign up and start your profile.  It allows you to link your Soundcloud, and other media sites, and did i mention it’s all free!  The site does offer a payment plan which they call VIP users.  If you are a VIP user, you will have even more attention on your music, and the site will help send you out to radio stations, and record labels who are actively seeking out new artist.

Check it out!  What are some strategies that you all employ for marketing your art?

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