Google Hangout Invite: Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship 101

The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship program is geared toward
committed individuals with professional or academic backgrounds in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The WW Teaching
Fellowship provides a stipend toward completion of a master’s degree at
one of our partner institutions in Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, and
Ohio. Fellows then share their gift by teaching students in high-need
urban or rural secondary schools and are provided with mentorship
throughout the entire process. 

us for “Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship 101”–a live webinar via
Google Hangout on Tuesday, April 16, at noon (EST) to learn more about
the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship. There will be plenty of time at
the end of the discussion for your questions to be answered, as well. 

Questions or comments? Contact me, Andrea Miyares, at For more information on the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship, visit
is not necessary. Check your inbox at 11:45 a.m. (EST) on Tuesday,
April 16, for a link to our Google Hangout! See you then!


Andrea Miyares
Program Assistant for Marketing and Recruitment–Teaching Fellowships
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation