
The world only has so much land to be used for growing food.  As of right now, 1/3 or earth’s livable land is dedicated to livestock or livestock feed.  As much as 70% of crops that are grown are fed to livestock.  We could be using these crops to feed hungry people all around the world, but many people would rather have meat on their plate.

Animal agriculture is also considered the greatest cause of ocean dead zones, species extinction, water pollution, and habitat destruction.  Rain-forests are destroyed in order to create more land to raise animals and their crops.  This destroys not only the homes of animals in these areas, but also homes of people.  Many tribes still survive in these forests, and the industry has come in and taken over their home.

Waterways are contaminated through all the pesticides and herbicides that are used to aid in the clearing of land.  These waters often lead to the oceans, and are creating ocean dead zones.  It has been said that we will see dead oceans by the year 2050 if we do not change our ways.  There are currently over 500 nitrogen flooded dead zones in the oceans, and this number is steadily climbing.

Even if people decide to cut animals from their diet, there is still much work to be done.  We much actually make an effort to reverse the damage we have caused.  What other reasons might be causing ocean dead zones or extensive land usage?


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