Is the Adobe Creative Cloud Worth It?

Most universities allow students to use the Adobe Creative Cloud free of charge on campus. If they need to use it online, they can manage to provide the programs for the semester on the students personal computer. However; some schools do not provide it or what if you want to use it in the summer or after you graduate? Here are a few reasons why the Adobe Creative Cloud is worth purchasing.

The first reason the Adobe Creative Cloud is worth purchasing is the student discount. They give you access to the entire creative cloud and all the apps for a monthly bill of $21. You can cancel at any time, the apps will disappear from your device. Since it is online based, you can download any app you would like to use offline. The Creative Cloud is available on PCs, Macs, and smart tablets.

The second reason it is worth purchasing is all the apps you can get for $21 a month. One your computer, you can use: Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat DC, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, Premiere Rush, After Effects, Bridge, Lightroom Classic, Dreamweaver, Animate, Character Animator, Audition, Media Encoder, Camera Raw, XD, Dimension, InCopy, and Prelude.

With the subscription, you also get to use some Adobe websites. These include: Fonts, Stock, Behance, Acrobat Online, Portfolio, Spark, Color, Live, Mixamo, Substance Source, and Lightroom Online.

On your tablet, you can download: Photoshop, Photoshop Camera, Photoshop Express, Lightroom, Premiere Rush, Fresco, Illustrator Draw, Aero, Capture, Spark Post, Spark Video, Spark Page, Behance, XD, Creative Cloud app, Acrobat Reader, Scan, Fill & Sign, Photoshop Sketch, Photoshop Fix, Photoshop Mix, and Comp. You gain access to a lot of programs for only $21 a month.

If you have these programs, you are able to work on projects outside of the classroom. If there are any issues in the classroom such as power failure or not enough computers, you can easily work on your project in your dorm. You are also able to use them at home over the holidays or summer break.

Once you have graduated, you have the ability to continue working on the programs. You can head straight into the work force with the programs you need. You will be prepared to create what you need at home.

The Adobe Creative Cloud is worth purchasing. You can get a student discount and access lots of Adobe applications. Will you purchase the Creative Cloud?

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