Sony and The Fortnite Scandal

Many of you may not be aware of Sony and their refusal to allow cross-play between any home consoles on the market. Allow me to explain what has occurred over the last five years. Sony has not been the best when it comes to granting what players want out of their PlayStation 4 console. These include the ability to change the username of an account, keeping the PlayStation Network free, and…

Trump and Kim Rant

This is a departure away from what the blog has been thus far, but I felt the need to make a point about politics. Currently, we are in a time in all our lives where the U.S president is meeting with the North Korean dictator, Kim Jung Un. It should be exciting to see peace talks between two nations who have been at odds for almost 70 years. Yet, I…

What Got Me Into Gaming Journalism

With the multitudes of posts I have made about E3 this past week, I felt the need to explain why I enjoy writing about this very niche, yet, widely expanding medium. Back in 2013, I played a game called The Last of Us. It was a game that had zombie-like creatures and a post-apocalyptic setting in the United States. But more importantly, it featured two protagonists: a middle-aged man known as…

External link to Three Years Later and It Still Works

Three Years Later and It Still Works

E3 in a nutshell: Here is the original link. If you are as familiar with all of the companies as I am you will appreciate how it seems year after year nothing seems to change. These developers tend to stick to their guns more than try to innovate. Even Nintendo, who tends to go outside the box more than anyone else, still relies on their decades-old IPs to keep them in…

So About That Square Enix Conference…

Square-Enix just had the worst E3 conference in some time. Yes, the games that they displayed have some degree of intrigue to them, however, most of them were not new. Just Cause 4 is the most exciting game of the bunch that was previewed. Yet, everything else was a very Japanese style trailer mash-up. I want to be excited about this conference, but Square-Enix gave us no idea about what the new games…

Microsoft Won’t Have Its Killer App Until Their New Xbox

Microsoft added five game developers to its branch of first-party game studios. However, this is just a façade by the company that did little more than talk about all the games that its platform can play at E3 this year. Why isn’t this a good thing? Because it has been five years and Microsoft has not released a single game that has been a console seller. And this still holds…

EA Bored Us Until Anthem

Another year, another EA E3 conference has gone by and I have to say I am not impressed. While yes, Anthem did assuage some of my fear about it being a Destiny clone, it has not given me anything to be excited about until I see more footage. Bioware needs this game to be a hit to fall back into the good graces of gamers after the abysmal launch of Mass Effect: Andromeda last…

E3 Predictions

With E3 around the corner, companies have begun their own form of hype for the event that starts on June 12, 2018. Sony has started to reveal teasers and release dates, Nintendo has announced a noticeable amount of upcoming content and Bethesda has given a teaser to their next Fallout game. All this news is something to look forward to, in addition to the new IPs and sequels that inevitably will be…