
We’ve looked at the aspects of writing and speaking when it comes to sports media but we haven’t touched to much on the smaller aspects that go on. These aspects of media are equally as important. Words can only tell a part of the story and you know how the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words! But what pictures should you use and what pictures should you throw away. Lets go over some tips on what to use and what not to use when it comes to photography in sports media.

As I said earlier pictures are just as important to the story (in some cases). It is important to get action shots when covering games in order to cover those stories. The best advice I can give you is to take as many pictures as possible from as may different angles as possible, the more he better! You never know when a player might do something that will be incredible and you need to be there capture it. Having a story that covers the entire game is good and all but having a story that covers the game with a picture of the game winning shot says so much more about the column you wrote and the story your telling.

When and where to use pictures is also something that needs to be learned. For newspapers, the bigger stories get the headlines so this is where you want your pictures to come from. You’re not going to want to sit ther and snap a ton of pictures ant a game that’ll end up being in the middle with no room to post them. Be sparing at smaller events take less pictures as you most likely will not need to use them.

Always focus on the main events when your trying to get a picture for a story. People want to see the headliners in action at all times. That is not to say though that other events won’t get you good pictures it is simply a matter of catering to what people want to see. Pictures can help you to tell the story just as much as the words. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words and never stop reporting!

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