Talk Radio/Podcasts

Talk radio is one of the oldest forms of sports media. The radio has been a way that people have gotten their sports news forever. Now with podcasts becoming more and more popular around the world it seems that sports radio has started an entirely new era. What exactly makes a sports radio show good though? With the growing popularity of this form of sports talk growing here are some tips on how to make your show stick out from all the others.

First things first, before you start your show its obvious what you must do, what is it going to be bout? What are you going to talk about? What type of show are you trying to put on? This all must be decided before you start your first show. First off if you have a sport that you consider yourself an expert on you should probably center on that. You don’t want to get on air and have to think about what you need to talk about every single day it should come natural to you and the show should have a good flow to it. Remember you should be talking at all times dead air is a sin in the radio world!

Now that you’ve decided on what you’re going to talk about its time to decide on the mood of the show. What type of feel do you want your audience to have while they listen to you? Remember it’s a sports show so there’s no need to be too serious about what you’re talking about. Sports are meant to be fun so talking about them should be no different! That being said you want to find a good balance between the humor you try to use and the information you are conveying to your audience. A show that trys to be to silly can steer people away from listening just as much as a show that is too stiff in serious. Finding this balance can be tricky but is crucial when it comes to making your show work.

Another thing to consider is that doing it by yourself will never work. People don’t want to listen to one person talk to themselves for an entire time slot. Getting a cohost can create so many more opportunities for your show to be great. A good back and forth between two people can create the debate that people love to listen to. Now the debate isn’t all you need from having a cohost on your show. If two people constantly disagree this can also become stale and turn your audience away. Be sure to get a good balance between agreeing and disagreeing when it comes to choosing a cohost.

A cohost is important to a shows success but won’t make or break it. That being said what should you do if you can’t find yourself a cohost that works for you? Again, you surely can’t fill all that time up by yourself. A good way to fill time on a radio show is to take calls from your listeners. Having people call in to ask you questions is a great way to fill time and content. Remember people who call into your show think you’re an expert on whatever topic you’re talking about. You should be able to answer all of their questions and provide them with solid feedback.

Coming up with a good show can be tricky and usually doesn’t happen overnight. Many broadcasters try at making a successful show for years before they find something that works for them. Much like everything we talk about in this blog is to not be discouraged if at first you don’t succeed. Keep trying different formulas until you get one that works out for you. What are some sports shows you like to listen to? Do they follow similar formats like the ones I’ve listed above? Leave your answers in the comment section and remember, never stop reporting!

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